Leonardo Hotels
More than 230 hotels in over 111 destinations
Establish LEONARDO HOTELS as an urban hospitality brand by showcasing the vast variety of travel destinations and creating a narrative to share the local experience of their +230 hotels by using captivating social media content & influencer campaigns.
Project Management Amina Camilleri
Photographer Lula Poggi
To create a digital strategy that generates brand awareness that both drives bookings. Envision a storytelling that links a global brand to the local realities & context of each hotel destination. Define a digital strategy aimed at building an online community to connect with the target audience of urban travellers.
We upscale the online positioning and “look&feel” of the brand by portraying the key pillars and values of LEONARDO HOTELS to showcase the guest experience and the cultural heritage of the different travel destinations. Based on this formula, we defined a brand strategy that pulled together the brand identity and narrative into a new digital strategy targeted at B2C “urban traveller” audience using curated and captivating lifestyle content as well as an influencer marketing strategy partnering with content creators from different geographic locations.